My Favorite Freebie!

Hello all of you trendy teaches! It's summer and we are loving relaxin', beachin', and let's be honest...Target dollar spottin'! All of these things are some of my favorite things, especially the beach, and so I wanted to share another favorite of mine:

Yep, my favorite freebie, and it's all yours! Don't freak out or anything, I know you're excited, I am too. It's a good one though, so maybe you can freak out just a little! My favorite freebie is definitely my ten frame sticker charts. These babies are such a cheap and simple way to handle management in your classroom. Now, I don't use these all by themselves, they are tied to my classroom management system(which I will be live video and blogging about in the very near future), but they are a fantastic way to keep your kiddos motivated!

Personally, I am not a huge fan of spending a ton of money on treasure box items or other rewards that don't hold any positive intrinsic value. When my kiddos get treasure box it's because they have earned it to the highest degree. It takes a while, months actually, to get into that coveted box! These sticker charts are a great way for them to show progress towards that goal while not pumping them with a lot of meaningless toys that they will surely break or lose before they even get home. I want my students to be able to visually see their progress and be proud of themselves, to learn how to take those external motivators, such as stickers, and turn them into intrinsic value.

Here's how they work. You print out a set of charts, cut right down the middle and trim the sides, put your kiddos name on the top, and post on the wall(preferably right next to your management system.) Now, when my kids earn about 10 smiley face tabs(I will video and post about these, no worries!) they earn 1 sticker for their ten frame. Once they earn ten stickers they get to go into the treasure box. That comes out to 100 smiley face tabs before they reach that treasure box. They continue earning their tabs and stickers until they fill in the second ten frame and earn lunch with none other than yours truly.

If you want these ADORABLE Disney Inspired sticker ten frames you can snag them in my Disney Decor Growing Bundle.

What I love about these frames is that they are so flexible, they look cute, and they also work on number sense as the kids keep track of their stickers in the frames.

So, how are you going to use your frames?! What will your students earn?! Comment below, I'd love to hear how you use them with your kiddos! I am always looking for fresh ideas.
